Sunday, January 29, 2012

MS Project on MacOsX


Microsoft Project does not exist on MacOsX ! (In February 2012)

So, here are all the solutions I have tested to get around this issue. I choosed Gantter.

- Gantter :
  • Freeware
  • Online in browser mode
  • Works with Google Docs
  • Probably one of the best tools at the moment. This is the one I choosed.

- xPlan :
  • Not free, there is a TRIAL version.
  • An interesting client, but needs some fixings, adjustments and maturity.

- Merlin 2 :
  • Not free, there is a TRIAL version.
  • Quite a good client but not free.

- Project Manager :
  • FREE 30-day trial
  • Fully functional but quite expensive.

- Open Project :
  • Open source project.

- Gantt Project :
- Fast Track Schedule :
- Rational Plan :


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to get around Facebook issue : 240037952714577

Facebook reported issue :

Here is the solution to get around facebook issue #240037952714577.
"Application cannot be added as a Page Tab on its own profile page"

1 - First of all, you need to be in HTTP mode (not HTTPS), to be able to see the POST request arguments.

2 - Then you need a "HTTP Monitor / Reverse" tool like "Charles Web Debugging Proxy" that let you edit requests and re-execute them.

3 - Configure your Browser like Firefox to let all requests goes through "Charles Proxy" ( port 8888)... you should now see all your HTTP requests in "Charles".

4 - Now, go to facebook (only for developer profile) on your "Application Page", and click on "Add to My Page", you should see the popin showing all available "Fan Page" only (no application pages are showed, this is the issue)

5 - clean the Charles Proxy view to remove all previous requests, and now click on any "Add to Page", you should see the request in "Charles". Something like :

6 - In Charles, right click on the request and choose "Edit", Charles will allow you to edit the POST form (in the Form tab).

7 - Now, you only need to change the parameter value of "target_profile_id" and/or "profile_id".
"target_profile_id" is the page on which you want to install the "tab page"
"profile_id" is the application (or tab) you want to install.
For instance, if you want to install an application on its own application page, "target_profile_id" will be equal to "profile_id".

8 - And obviously, you execute the request. And reload your application page.

Please let me know, if this helps you. Thanks !


Friday, July 1, 2011

How to detect a FACEBOOK LIKE on a Fan Page

When having your own application or html page running in a Facebook fan page iframe, sometimes you need to display a page if the user is fan, and another if the user is not.

If in this iframe you are displaying your application, then it is possible to detect a fan ONLY if the user has already grant permission to your application. For that, many solutions can be found in JAVASCRIPT using Facebook Javascript SDK (For instance FB.init(), then FB.Login() etc...). I let you look on Google for that. However, the constraint would be for the user to accept the application, and we do not want this ugly step !

There is solution for that. But obviously this IS NOT POSSIBLE IN JAVASCRIPT ! 
So the SOLUTION IS ONLY SERVER SIDE. Since Javascript is only client side, I repeat : There is no solution in Javascript.

Here is an explanation of how to do it :
  1. When adding your own tab in a facebook fan page displaying an iframe, Facebook always POST a string data to the URL loaded in the iframe. And this string data contains the information we are looking for (like boolean). Since it is a POST request and not GET request, only the server can read the information.
  2. The string POST parameter is called "signed_request". This last one is composed of 2 values separated by a simple dot (.)
  3. On server side (with PHP, .NET, JAVA or whatever language you use), you just have to split the string and keep the second part. For information, both part are base64 encoded.
  4. Then, you just have to decode (Base64) the second part and get a nice string with the LIKE boolean included inside.
  5. And finally, display the page you want in fan page Iframe.
For instance :

  • This is a signed_request send by Facebook to the URL loaded in an fan page iframe 

  • Keep only the second part, after having split the string with dot separator:
  • Now decode in base64 the string and you will get 

In fact, everything is well explained on Facebook Developers page. But since there are so many information to learn you may have not seen it so far : 

Obviously, it exists APIs for PHP, .NET and maybe JAVA also. However, this is easy to implement, you may not need to struggle with a API to learn.
Anyway, here are some API links if you don't want to code it yourself :
PHP : 
C# SDK : 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Javascript Keyboard Detection for Flash